ቀጥሎ የሚጫወተው

Ethiopia: ዱላ ቀረሽ ቃለመጠይቅ ከኢህኣዴግ ስ/አስፈፃሚ ጌታቸው ረዳጋ |Abiy Ahmed|Demeke Mekonen|Debretsion

23 ጊዜ ታይቷል
የተለቀቀበት ቀን 30 Aug 2019 / በ ዜና እና ፖለቲካ

Adulis Tube strives to provide reliable and unbiased information regarding Ethiopia news to the daily Ethiopian YouTube community and our content management team are always working hard to separate news and fake news.

Ethiopia ,

ተጨማሪ አሳይ
ኮሜንት ፃፍ

ቀጥሎ የሚጫወተው