ቀጥሎ የሚጫወተው

የቤተሰብ ጨዋታ ምዕራፍ 13 ክፍል 24/Yebetseb Chewata Season 13 EP 24

20 ጊዜ ታይቷል
Ethio News
የተለቀቀበት ቀን 10 Feb 2021 / በ ፊልም

A Game show, where two families compete to name the most popular responses to survey questions in order to win cash and exciting prizes.

Each episode of Yebeteseb Chewata features 8 contestants from two different families competing to win cash and prizes, including a new apartment for those families who win seven matches consecutively.
The show is hosted by the ever funny stand-up comedian Eshetu.

Every Tuesday & Friday

ተጨማሪ አሳይ
ኮሜንት ፃፍ

ቀጥሎ የሚጫወተው