ቀጥሎ የሚጫወተው

የተዋናይ ሰገን ይፍጠር ቤትን በማጓጓዝ አስፋዉ እና ትንሳኤ ያደረጉት ቆይታ በፓክ አዲስ ከትንሽ እረፍት በእሁድን በኢቢኤስ

27 ጊዜ ታይቷል
የተለቀቀበት ቀን 07 Jun 2020 / በ ሾው

An infotainment program on Sunday afternoon On EBS TV

It includes different multiple segments depending on the number of stories following the topical discussion.

The program is engaging which keeps viewers right at the other side for the whole three hours.
It is a magazine format; small updates of the talk of the town, guest appearance, Wello, live music, cooking and many more.

#EhudenBeEBS #SundayAfternoonShow_EBSTV # InfotainmentShow_EBSTV #AsfawMeshesha_EBSTV

ተጨማሪ አሳይ
ኮሜንት ፃፍ

ቀጥሎ የሚጫወተው